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ventral bite marks

Ventral bite marks is a specific type of damage of ammonoid shells in which an irregular area was missing ventrally in the body chamber immediately in front of the last septum.


Andrew C., Howe P., Paul C., Donovan S. 2010 Fatally bitten ammonites from the lower Lias Group (Lower Jurassic) of Lyme Regis, Dorset

Klompmaker A.A., Waljaard N.A., Fraaije R.H.B. 2009 Ventral bite marks in Mesozoic ammonoids.

J.K. Wright, L. Bassett-Butt, M. Collinson (2014) Fatally bitten ammonites from the Lower Calcareous Grit Formation (Upper Jurassic) of NE Yorkshire, UK

C. Andrew, P. Howe, C. Paul (2014) Fatally bitten ammonites from septarian concretions of the "Marston Marble" (Lower Jurassic, Sinemurian), Somerset, UK, and their taphonomy

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"ventral bite marks":

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Ключевые слова, связанные со словом "ventral bite marks":
Keywords, related with "ventral bite marks":

А: аммониты

В: вентральные укусы

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